I'm Luke Nicholls, originally from London, England. I grew up exploring different sports and activities. While at college in the U.K., I studied mathematics, business, and media, and received the Mansfield Trophy for obtaining the highest results in the school. After finishing college, I travelled to the U.S. to study Finance at Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Management. I took two years out of school to serve as a full-time volunteer representative for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Greece and Cyprus. Returning to BYU, I acted as a Co-President for the Corporate Finance Club during my final year. After an internship with Adobe at their headquarters in San Jose, California I received a full-time offer. I now work in Adobe's finance department on their campus in Lehi, Utah. I live with my beautiful wife, Emily, and love her to bits. That's a quick summary of my life, but let me tell you more about my photography.
I purchased my first DSLR camera when I was about fourteen years old. It was a Sony a350. I enjoyed shooting at get-togethers and on outings. I remember being at a birthday party when my friends and I took turns with our cameras to see who could get the best long exposure of the lights. It was around this time that I began to learn about exposure and depth of field. During my four years studying media at GSCE and A-Level, I developed a knowledge of basic rules of photography and film. Then, throughout my teenage years, I built upon this knowledge, learning from experts in magazines and online and then going out to practice the things I had learned. I took my camera on hikes, on vacations, and on the road, photographing at every opportunity. Here's a sample of some of my early work.

Throughout my teenage years and early twenties, photography was simply a hobby. One day, during my Senior Year at BYU, a friend contacted me and asked if I would do a photoshoot for her graduation. Until then, I had photographed mostly nature and architecture. But, I wanted to help, so I nervously but excitedly agreed. The images turned out well. From then, I started to develop my skill in portrait photography as I had done for landscapes. I began doing photoshoots with different members of my family to try out new techniques and build my confidence directing. I had the idea to begin a photography business. But if I were to create a business, I'd need more megapixels, faster autofocus, and more frames per second; I'd need a professional DSLR.
I purchased a Canon 5D Mark III at the end of 2016, just in time for a trip to London. While there, I used the time to test out my new gear and let me tell you - it shoots beautifully. I got some of my favorite exposures that I've ever taken. Have a look at my Landscapes and Architecture page for some examples. Driven by a spirit of entrepreneurship, a desire for real-world learning, and a love for art, I filed my articles of organization and founded Luke Nicholls Photography LLC.
This photography business is a way for me to combine some of the things I love most in my life: entrepreneurship, photography, creativity, and people. I'm applying the business skills I learned in the classroom with the photography skills I've developed throughout my life. There's something exhilarating about getting the perfect shot to document a moment and capture that memory forever. I will work with you to ensure that your photos are just what you want. I promise to deliver the highest quality images at a rate you can afford. So get in touch to book your session. You can write me an email here. Trust me - I'm excited to hear from you.